Hello dancers! Lisa Spiro here. I figured it might be a good time to use this blog to talk about some of my opinions regarding dancing at a dance event.
When we go out dancing, be it a dance class or a dance social, we are constantly striving to have a good time. But sometimes there's something about our dance partner that prevents us from having 100% fun. Sometimes that partner can even ruin your evening. For me, I can usually take certain nuisances in stride and not let it ruin my night. But there are some things that just bug me when I'm dancing with someone, and sometimes that something is enough for me to "blacklist" that person. So here are my top ten pet peeves when I'm dancing with a partner. Keep in mind that I'm not using this list to point fingers at anybody in particular; this is just something I've compiled over the years as a dancer.
June 2020